The Naturopathic Consultation at View to Health takes approximately one hour and includes
- Health assessment
- Nutritional assessment
- Iridology session or an individualised diet
Because the diet is quite detailed and includes advice about food preparation and food selection when eating out, an iridology session may need to be scheduled for a follow-up half-hour appointment.
The treatments focus on underlying causes by identifying and addressing any metabolic imbalances in order to successfully treat the symptoms and deter their recurrence. Identification of metabolic type using Ayurveda is very useful in the treatment of chronic illness. An appropriate herbal and nutritional therapy will be given to help restore any underlying imbalance.
Special attention is given to the diet since what we eat, how we combine the food we eat and how we digest it is fundamental to any health condition and its treatment.
Illness is a consequence of a metabolic imbalance, and at View to Health we understand that a combination of natural therapies, diet and lifestyle changes is instrumental in restoring this balance and enabling the body systems to function properly.
As a result, the natural recovery process can take place.
The naturopathic emphasis is on preventing illness and giving the body the right opportunity to heal itself.